's been yrzz since i blogged on blogspot...i can't believe it it's my last day in da most ELECTRYFING...ROCKING...FUNNING...GAMING skool...SMK BUD2...time reli flies wen u havin fun wit u'r frenzz..2day merentas desa wuz 1 of da fun dayz spending my last day wif my frenzz especially wit my bis sis's(Vicki,Samantha,Yen San,Juliana,Wei Ting,Esther,Sherilynn & Ee Xin) hard 2 leave all my frenzz...i reli gonna miss ya'll so i'll say da big sis's mentioned..Zhen Rong,Danny,Jun Yuan,Kai Lin,John Ng & Lim,Lwin,Robert,Siang Wan,Timothy,Shen,Pui Leng,Winnie,Yanti,Liza,Suziana,Sola,Shazrin,Alif,Dhivyia,Chiu Yong,Elaine,Audrey,Shawn,Farhan,Azman,Ryan Poon & Lee,Jessica,Shee Mei,Si-Hui,Pow Yin,Wen Xiu,Kelly,Rina & many many many many more.......anyway wen i heard Vicki got 4th place on merentas desa,i wuz lyk screaming & cheering 4 Vicki lyk a psychotic baboon(hehe)..Congratulations 2 my big sis Vicki..cheers 4 Vicki....VICKI...VICKI...VICKI...VICKI..V-I-C-K-I...VICKI...anywayzz..after tat me & alot of ppl took sum pics,i also hugged dem & i even let dem signed my shirt...i even saw sum ppl cryin' becuz tat i'm leavin...i reli wish i cud stay EVEN LONGER!!!!! After favourite driver dropped me 2 1U....thx Uncle all a sudden...a TAXI stopped infront of me..i thought i wuz gonna get all a sudden sum 1 came out frm da taxi..i wuz so nervous..den guess hu came outYanti,Liza & Suziana.....LOL!!!!instead of bein shocked i juz screamd a loud WOOOOOO!!!!every1 wuz staring & looking @ me...den dey all started i juz laugh along v went in2 1U 2 get chged..Yanti din bring her she had 2 w8 4 wen i wan3rd 2 went in 2 da boyz toilet tat time..i followed Suziana & Liza 2 da gurlz toilet by accident...Yanti wuz standin' outside da toilet..she laughed lyk hell..until she fell down..haha...den Jun Yuan all a sudden called up & called us 2 meet him @ da bowling v all went up lo...Jun Yuan asked us 2 play pool wit him..Out Of Nowhere..Danny came v juz tok tok & play play...Yanti,Liza & Suziana ask me 2 teman dem 2 pity dem den go lo...i din realize dey were so gud @ playin' da car i go & play basketball...Yanti wuz so funi...wen she wanted 2 aim 4 da basket..she throwed tat time..da basket bounce bak da ball & hit me..lolz...den she even thrown da ball 2 hard until da ball bounce downstairs...haha..dey dun dare 2 wat 2 do..i muz take lo...den after tat v go play bowling...wen v playin bowling half way la..Sola,Alif & many ppl tat invited i wuz lyk..i got invite tat many ppl meh??lol..i oso blur blur wen every1 cum adi..Sola & Alif went 2 buy movie tickets...haha..dey nid 2 buy 4 30 ppl..den tis Sola & Alif did a funi thing..dey 4got 2but tickets 4 demselves....v all laugh & laugh & laugh..haizz..anyway both of dem lo..had 2 go bak early haizz Sola oso took a picture wit me & 1 more wit me & Yanti..be4 dey left..i hugged both of em' sad la...den Danny's mom called up..& said Danny had 2 go bak i oso hugged him wen da movie & Jun Yuan did a funi thing..tis movie is called Bride wen everytime wen ppl get married..dey will thrw a bouquet of da bride(movie) counted & Jun Yuan said 3!!!!!walau da whole cinema laughed @ us..da Yanti laughed until she fell down frm da chair..den Jing Wei said wat the Jun Yuan got ntg better 2 do so he go & throw popcorn 2 da gurlz(tat i invited)...especially Yanti..cuz i sittin' nx 2 her..& Jun Yuan sittin' nx 2 i stuck in da middle lo..den Jun Yuan so funi wen he 1 2 throw popcorn tat time la..he accidently spilled his coke..hahaha..i cudn't stop laughin' cute la him..After da movie every1 1 2 balik adi..den u noe la..i hugged all of dem..including gurlz...be4 Yanti go bak she ask me 2 take picture wit all of us go bak adi..i wonder wat will happen wen i'm not in BU2 will Ms.Ong bully 4 fun....who will Shee Mei use as a toy..who will Jessica beat up wen she's not will Samantha sit wit in class..& alot more questions 2 be anwered..well i guess tis is the end of me & BU2 & my FRENZZZ!!!!!GONNA MISS YA'LL SO MUCH!!!!!Bye Guyz..wish ya'll Best Of Luck...

OMG Ben-Ee..So sry dat i cant go dat day..I will 100% miss u like siao d! D;
yea...i'm sorry too... can't go tat day... :(
gonna miss u larh! haih...
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