few dayz ago(25/2/09) was Jia Thong's birthday...Happy Birthday bronow it all stars wit....he wuz l8 4 skool...haha....Birthday Boy is l8...wen he walkin' his way 2 da class...Yen Fang went out 2 be a spy....den wen Jia Thong cum in..HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIA THONG!!!!!!!WWooooo...he wuz so happy...haha...den after tat v went 4 science...YAY!!!!TIME 4 REPRODUCTION!!!!!!OOOOOHHHH......YEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!den wen v go 2 lab..Mrs.Bala started 2 teach reproduction...every1 so concentrated..haha..den all a sudden...sum1 came in & said time 4 injection...haha...Mrs.Bala all a sudden said....WAT THE HELL!!!!!!......da whole class laugh..laugh..laugh.....den i said Jia Thong is gonna get his presnt...in a pain way!!!!huhuhahaha...lol...so me,Wai Kit & Armadeep no nid 2 inject becuz all of us injected in our old skool...so me & Wai Kit went 2 da injection room....woohoo...but duno whr did Deepy go...so juz ignore him la...anywayz v saw alot of ppl got injected den it wuz Kit Cheng's(KFC) turn...den da nurse checked her arm...den wen da nurse keep lookin @ her arm duno why...den i go & said..."KFC your featherz r blockin da nurse" da whole room lauged lyk hell...HAHAHA!!!...den wen v go bak 2 science lab..Sophia fainted...den da doctor cam in 2 check on her condition...da doctor told us not 2 skip breakfast...feel better Sophia....
den tis is whr it all happened...
so v go bak 2 class adi...Connie call me help take her chair...cuz i'm her KAKAK!!!!Lol...den wen i put down da chair...all a sudden my pants DROPPED!!!!!i said.."WOOW!!!!!"da whole class laugh. & laugh....lol....so i juz laugh along..HAHAHAHA!!!!den da nx door teacher came in & call us 2 shut up.....den our maths teacher,Mrs.Anitha scolded us...den she oso aske y r v laughin...den Roshan said"Ben-Ee's pants dropped"den Mrs.Anitha oso saterted laughin...haha...HAHAHAHA....so wenever i nid 2 stand up or walk i nid 2 hold my pants....HAHA!!!!...after tat it wuz time 4 cucuriculums...den Mrs.Komathi take us 2 museum...den she oso noe wat happened 2 my pants den she oso laughed...she went 2 help me buy a pin 2 clip my pants..thx teacher....den da pin rosak...HAHA!!!!so den v walk & walk...Yuan Nee,Angie,Sophia,Debbie,Jia Thong & William laugh laugh laugh..cuz i'm still holdin' my pants & walk...den Angie asked me wat happened 2 my pants...den i told her....haha...she & Yuan Nee laugh even more....haha....After da whole museum thingy...it wuz rainin' so every1 start runnin' so i did a move tat is similar 2 Spongebob Squarepants.....hold my pants & JUMP!!!!haha....every1 stare & laughed @ me...lol....it's my oni choice..if i run my pants 4 sure dropla....& summore tis time on da road...HAHA!!!!!
LOL!!!!i hope my pants will drop on occassional time oni....HAHA!!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Fancy Pants...25/2/09
Posted by X-L Punk at Saturday, February 28, 2009 3 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Return 2 BU2......18/2/09/Surprised in Tution..18/2/09
walaue 2 day is 1 of da most shocking but FUN!!!dayz i had..cuz i returned 2 my old(FAV) skool..wen i go bak....da 1st thing i did wuz run UP..UP...UP...& UP.....so i 1 3rd 2 go 2 my class..den my class so empty 1...lol....cuz da malayz r havin' agama & chinese & indians r wit Ms.Ong...WOOO....so den i pass by Ms.Ong's class...every1 wuz lyk lookin & staring @ me in a SHOCKED!!!way..hhahaha...Ms.Ong said..可爱的谢万宇你在外面站了几分钟了???den i said..我是来找 Pn.Chee..den i oso asked wat time dey all recess..den she said 10:40..i wuz lyk OMG!!!!so long...anyway recess adi..wooo...every1 came out & c me..hahaha den i met alot ppl tat i miss lyk..Vicki,Pui Leng,Pow Yin,Winnie,Timothy,John Ng & Lim,Shazrin.Yanti,Si-Hui,Shee Mei,Wei Ting,Sherilynn,Esther,Miu Shan,Elaine,Dhivyia,Thasneem,Liza,Audrey,Lwin,Shawn,Farhan,Azman,Winston,Raja,Lathif,Jack Yong,Zhen Rong,Fook Chong,Sola,Alif,Jessica,Kelly,Rina,Tsie Shuen,Vanese,Aini,Robert,Samantha,Yen San,Ee Xin,Juliana,Shen,Ryan,Danny,Jun Yuan,Yong Yi & many many many many many many many many more.....wow...wen i go canteen la...all of my frenzz tok tok tok wit me lo..Vicki chat wit me adi lo..hehe...(brother & sister miss eachother)...den i tok 2 ShrilynnWei TingEsther tat side..haha...Raja & Lathif gave me their new msn & friendster address....den i passed by wen other forms saw me..dey all hugged me haha....man i got squeezed so tight especially byAndrew,Kevin & Wen Yang haha..den me & Shazrin hi-5ed eachother..wit our signature 5...haha...den i go library & saw Yanti & Liza...3 of us started 2 sit down & chat...dey told meme wat happened 2 da skool & now da skool will end @ 2:40..i wuz lyk "Y MUZ ALL DA BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN I'M GONE!!!!haha...i even cracked sum jokes....den day laugh hahaha..man!!i miss da way tat Yanti & Liza laugh...so wen i came out of da library..so HORRIBLE!!!so many ppl gather around me...haha...i wuz lyk.."M I RELI TAT MISSED???"Shawn so naughty & said "Y UALL GATHER AROUND HIM...BEN-EE'S SUM TYPE OF GOD IZZIT.."den Shawn all a sudden sai.."I MISS U MAN I MISS U MAN I MISS U MAN"..hahha....so funi....anywayz...after tat dey all went bak 2 class...sad la...well den i oso went bak 2 class den my 大哥大 Robert ran towards me & hugged me..haha....hug him bak....anywayz i juz go bak 2 class collect sum of my things...den every1 said bye 2 me so loud especially Danny....lol....so i go 2 office get my files....budden i still got alot of things haven't do yet...my god i had 2 walk up & down...4 2hrs..lol...den da last place i had 2 go wuz my class...so i went bak 2 class...juz 2 ask sum questions....den da stupid Milton chased me out....MY GOD!!!eventough i left he still haven't chg his attitude...so i nid 2 stay in skool 4 anoder 1hr...crazy 1 la him....wen Milton chased me out tat time...da whole class scolded him by sayin.."HOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!" LOL!!!! 1hr l8er i go bak 2 my skool in Klang....Thx 2 my FAV DRIVER Uncle Ahmad...walau...he reli so gud...he frm Klang travel 2 PJ...den frm PJ nid 2 travel bak 2 Klang tqtqtq Uncle Ahmad...but duno wen leh will i make a surprise return 2 BU2 again...hahaha.....
Wen i went bak 2 Methodist Klang...my 兄弟 Jia Thong asked me how wuz da experience wen i go bak...he oso said da class wuz so quite & boring wen i'm not around 4 those few hrs..haha..he said every1 miss me...LOL!!!!!den William oso said..."Haiyo 以后早一点回来啦!!!!"haizz...anywayz wen i go bak it wuz few mins 2 fin' skool haha...so is useless lo..hahah....
Few hrs l8er i go bak eat lunch & shower...all a sudden my bro throw a basketball 2 me...den i caught it adi but it accidently bounce 2 my eyes..OUCH!!so Pain......haha......so nid 2 wear glasses again.....but temporary...hahaha....after tat i go 2 tution....& reli got shocked...becuz i saw Tsie Shuen i felt lyk WOW!!!!hehe...den i said hi 2 her lo...After tution..v both tok tok tok...budden sad la cuz she say she came is4 replacement class oni..haizz.....hope can c Tsie Shuen in tutin again......HAHA!!!!!
Posted by X-L Punk at Sunday, February 22, 2009 1 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
my New SkooL(Wesley Methothist Klang)
@ my 1st few dayz in Methothist wuz quite FUN!!!,i oso made alot of new frenzz lyk...Jia Thong,Jia Xiong,William,Wai Kit,Roshan,Wei Jie,Hong Sherm,Chooi Ee,Yuen Nee,Su Hui,Kit Cheng,Alicia,Yen Fang,Angie,Deborah & many many more.....actually i wuz quite scard on my 1st day...den i din realize tis skool..every1 wuz so friendly..some even WILD!!!!haha..anywayz..my 1st 2 dayz, i think tis skool wuz quite ok..den anoder 2dayz l8er i oni realize tis skool wuz vry gooooood...includin da teachers..dey reli try their best 2 teach us & get us 2 da TOP!!!but sum teacher wud lyk 2 compare da WMS Klang & WMS KL...man tats annoying...well..deres tis boy in my class called Armadeep...man he tries 2 hard 2 be funi...well maybe sumtimes his a lil' funi..but alot of ppl dun reli lyk him..(includin me)...my god his so annoying...[maybe i shud stop now,i dun 1 2 hurt him]...But wen i wuz a new student tat time la...my god..dey treat me so nice...especially Jia Thong,William & Wai Kit....these 3 guyz r 1 of da nicest ppl i met...i reli lyk 2 play wit these 3 especially wit Jia Thong..haha but his vry fun & funny..he orr oso handsome & cute...if i were a gurl(not sayin' i am..)i will totally d8 him...lol..but i'm not gay..hehe..well things r gonna get vry interesting in Wesley Methothist Klang...LOL!!!!
Posted by X-L Punk at Friday, February 13, 2009 2 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Memories.
i'm so touched tat wat every1 worte abt me in their bloggiezzz..& Yes!!i'm gonna miss all of ya'll..time reli reli flies 1nce u hef FUN!!!haizz...it started wen i wuz in form 1...i noe sum ppl adi..lyk:Samantha,Juliana,Yen San,Ee Xin,Zhen Rong,Kai Lin,Raja,Robert,Jun Yuan,Zi Wei,Jason,How Chun,John Lim & Ng,Ryan Poon,Lwin,Pow Yin,Wen Xiu,Chiu Yong,Shen,Vanese,Wei Ting,Esther,Alif,Sola,Suziana,Shawn,Azman,Farhan,Sherilynn,Dhivyia,Yong Yi,Wei Yee,Jessica,Siang Wan,Siong Fai,Fook Chong,Tze how,Elaine & Thasneem all of these ppl r da same age as i am,& i remember tat on my 1st few wks in BU2 i adi noe all of these ppl...
Now moving on 2 Form 2..tis wuz 1 of da fun yrz i had...wow...tis da yr us frenzz became a FAMILY!!!!includin' Samantha,Yen San,Juilana,Ee Xin,Wei Ting,Esther,Sherilynn,Jessica,Lwin,Timothy & Raja...i oso got sum new frenzz wen i wuz in Form 2 includin:Vicki,Si-Hui,Pui Leng,Winnie,Tsie Shuen,Erin,Yanti,Liza,Fatin,Ryan Lee,Rahan,Abu,Syufa,Pravin,Danny,King Wei,Samuel,Meng Tau,Kai Sien,Syahira,Puteri,Cindy,Shee Mei,Kelly & Rina & wow..these frenzz reli noe hw 2 hef FUN!!!!wen on merentas desa 2008..i fell in2 a drain & tats whr da new family came along...Vicki pittied me wen my leg wuz BUSTED open..she asked me am i okay..she even asked me wat placed i got...wen i said 6..she wuz so shocked..u shud c da reaction of er face...PRICELESS!!!den Shee Mei & Kelly cracked sum funi jokes 2 make me laugh..haha..since den v tok tok tok tok...so slowly v became frenzz...den frm frenzzz..2 best frenzz...best frenzz 2 a new FAMILY!!!!Vicki my new Big Sis...Kelly my new cousin...& Shee Mei my new lil' sis...WOOOO!!!!
1 yr l8er 2009 i wuz in Form 3...i've made 1 new Friend..Shazrin cuz she wuz a new student in my class....i'm reli impressed wit her cuz on her 1st day she adi got alot of frenzz...lol..so slow v tok tok tok..unteil becum 2 close frenzz...haha...den alot of ppl wud lyk start 2 tok adi lo..den slowly slow anoder new buch of FAMILIESSS!!!!..haha...Sola & Alif my new stepbrothers...Yanti,Shazrin,Liza & Fatin my new cousins...Sofea my new sister...Danny my new brother...Kai Lin,Zhen Rong,Jun Yuan,Robert,John Lim & Ng,Ryan Lee & Poon & Daniel my new uncles...& Finally Shawn & Farhan my new step uncles..HAHA...LOL!!!...
ah..sweet sweet memories..
Posted by X-L Punk at Monday, February 09, 2009 1 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Ben-Ee vs Ben Jing
2day i'm so pissed off wat my bro did 2 me...my god...wen da alarm wake me up...URGHHH!!!!my bro Ben Jing go & punch my face wen i woke up..juz becuz i wan3rd 2 wake up 1stt....damn wat la him..haizz...wen i went down he pushed me off da stairs..thank god i din fall...so all a sudden my mom came out of da room & said wat happen...my STUPID LIL' BRO told my mom tat i pushed him den my mom scolded me lyk hell...den my bro still dere laughin'..so i juz ept quiet..wen i juz sat down on da sofa...he called me a STUPID F***KER!!!he told me 2 get da hell of his way..my god...den he called me 2 had a 1 on 1 contest wit him @ basketball he said if he win..i hef 2 gif him everythin' i hef....if i win...he'll gif me all his money(WOW!!!) & bonus he won't tell on me 4eva...

Posted by X-L Punk at Saturday, February 07, 2009 1 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
my Last day in BU2(6/2/09)

Posted by X-L Punk at Friday, February 06, 2009 2 comments